Australian Government recently launched the Battery Booster Program which offers a rebate of up to $4000 to around 2000 eligible households of Queensland to install a SOLAR BATTERY. This new program is specially designed for the citizens of Queensland to support them in lowering the costs of electricity bills through solar batteries. This will ultimately decrease the cost-of-living pressures on people.
Households that purchase a solar battery from registered sellers like ARISE SOLAR, would be able to store the power even when the sunlight is not enough. This will lead them to cut off their power bills and emissions. The QLD Battery Booster Rebate is designed to make the solar battery more accessible in the state.
“To keep the household bills down”
Energy Minister Mick de Brenni said, “With about 150 rooftop solar installations every day, Queensland has the highest rate of rooftop solar installations in the nation, and it’s clear that Queenslanders are keen to embrace renewable energy the economic and environmental benefits that come along with it. So, the new Battery Booster initiative invites eligible Queenslanders to make the most of Queensland’s mighty sunshine, to help keep household bills down.”
“We know that all Queenslanders are passionate about taking action on climate and lowering their energy costs, and that’s why we’ve targeted this program specifically at those households who may not have previously considered purchasing a solar battery.”
Queensland Battery Booster Rebate
The Queensland Battery Booster Rebate, with a funding allocation of $10 million, offers rebates ranging from $3000 to $4000 for households with a solar system of at least 5 kilowatts. Eligible households with a combined annual taxable income of $180,000 or less qualify for the $3000 rebate, while those earning below $66,667 annually are entitled to the maximum $4000 rebate.
How to get the rebate easily?
Contact an expert from Arise Solar on 1300 274 737 or to get all the required information about the rebate as well as the effective and best solar system for your household.