Switching to solar is one of the best ways to save money and at the same time reduce carbon footprints. Benefits of transitioning to solar energy are becoming common knowledge, however, homeowners still find it difficult to install solar. One common question among property owners is when is the best time to install solar? Solar installation is beneficial if installed any time of the year however, summer could be just the perfect time for solar installation. Let’s look at a few benefits of installing solar power in summer time.
1. Reduce your summer energy bills
Australia is closer to the equator and lacks any central mountains to catch rain and reduce temperatures. Australia can have extremely hot and dry weather in summers. Australia had seen the hottest summer on record in 2019-2020. This was the result of changes in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions. However, more sunlight means more heat and thus leading to higher use of electricity and other resources. Installing solar panels in summers can be really helpful as it can save you from the high electricity bill shocks that might come due to more usage of electricity.
2. Benefit of more sun
Summertime means more sunlight. There are certainly more hours of sunlight in summer than winter or rainy season. Thus if you install in summer you can take advantage of more sun. It maximizes the power generated and thus leads to more financial benefits. You can even harness the extra energy generated in the summer times to use it the entire year. Get in touch with one of our experts to discuss more on your energy bills and savings from solar.
3. Solar increases home value
We invest in property thinking it will give higher returns someday. One way of increasing your home value this summer is by installing solar panels on the roof. A research from realestate and Origin Energy found that 85% of Australians identify solar rooftop panels as something which adds to a property’s value. If you look at selling your home in future, an on grid solar system will increase the value of your property.
4. Be the part of green energy NASA tells us Human activities (primarily the burning of fossil fuels) have fundamentally increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere, warming the planet. Natural drivers, without human intervention, would push our planet toward a cooling period. We are all bothered about climate change and global warming but only a few of us take action towards reducing its effects. Make this summer the reason to switch to renewable energy and contribute towards green and clean energy. Speak to our team at Arise Solar today and get your solar quote and savings guide.