Lithium Batteries For Solar Energy Storage for Australian Homes: Functions, Benefits & Usage

Features & Benefits
Top Brands of Solar Battery
The Importance of Solar Storage System
Warranty of Solar Battery

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August 29, 2024

Lithium Batteries For Solar Energy Storage for Australian Homes: Functions, Benefits & Usage

Lithium-ion solar batteries are becoming popular because they last longer than traditional solar batteries. Lithium batteries also require less maintenance and take up less space. In addition, it also helps save both energy and money. Customers usually ask particularly for it but many don’t know about how lithium batteries differ from the traditional alternatives. Let’s delve into how lithium batteries work and what are its unique features.

Lithium Batteries For Home Storage
Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable and can be used repeatedly for years. Whether connecting it with a solar panel or not, they can store excess energy for later use. These batteries can be directly charged from both on-grid and off-grid solar power to provide homeowners with tremendous backup power. However, the price of lithium batteries can be comparatively higher because of its unbeatable features. Still, people tend to choose it for the long run.

Pros of having a Lithium-ion storage system:
Higher-Depth of discharge
Lithium-ion solar batteries are deep cycle batteries with a DOD of approximately 90%, compared to other batteries with a DOD of around 50%. The higher DOD indicates that you can use more energy stored in lithium-ion batteries and you do not have to charge it often.

High efficiency- less maintenance
The high-efficiency rate of these batteries refers to the amount of usable energy that is stored. The majority of Lithium-ion batteries from Arise Solar have around a 90% efficiency rate. Additionally, because of its compact size, it requires less space and maintenance. Regular cleaning with a simple cloth is sufficient.

Longer lifespan
With a high depth of discharge (DOD), the lithium battery doesn’t need to be recharged again and again. This feature makes allows it to last up to 8-10 years. Arise Solar provides a 10-year warranty on lithium batteries.

Top Lithium Battery Brands From Arise Solar

• 2.88kWh capacity
• Scalable to 20.16 kWh
• 90% Depth of Discharge
• Large temperature tolerance

Safest LiFePO4 battery
• 90% DOD
• Cycle life>6000 times
• IP55 protection level

• 100% usable energy (Depth of Discharge)
• 30 A continuous charging and discharging current
• Extendable during lifetime
• Support 3–8 modules per unit, max. 4 units in parallel, 9–100 kWh capacity range

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