Solar panels were invented in April 1954 by Murray Hill while working at the Bell Labs. They used a miniature toy Ferris wheel and a photovoltaic radio transmitter to show off their solar panel. For a long period of time now, renewables has been a key focus of discussion in various businesses all around the world. People are attempting to use renewable energy in traditionally unconsidered ways as a response to the escalating environmental issues.
20 years ago, if someone would say solar panels, we could only imagine solar farms or ground mounted systems. However, rooftop solar systems have gained popularity over a period of time. Rooftop solar power systems have various benefits some of them are including but not limited to savings on electricity bills, reducing carbon footprint and reduced reliance on fossil fuels.
What are Building Integrated Photovoltaic?
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BPIV) are also referred to as photovoltaic shingles, which are simply solar panels that are made to resemble and perform like regular roofing materials while producing electricity. The solar sector has a lot to offer if you want to make your house eco-friendly while also keeping costs down. A wide range of applications, different materials, and improved conversion efficiency have made it all effective and easy.
The largest benefit of this technology is arguably the nearly invisible nature of solar roof tiles. Elegant and understated are solar tiles. They appear to be an intentional component of the building rather than an afterthought. Typically, if you have solar panels on your roof, everyone will know about them!
Similar to solar panels, solar roof tiles will provide you with clean, cost-free energy: Due to the fact that solar tiles may provide a sizable portion of the electricity required by your home, you can reduce the cost of your monthly bills.
How much do roof tiles cost?
If you are considering having a 6.6kW solar system with roof tiles it might cost you around $15000-$25000 installing it. The amount may vary based on the location and specifications of the property. Roof tiles can be an expensive investment with fewer style and color options. Moreover, they cannot be installed at an angle where they receive maximum sunlight and generate more output as they are the part of the roof itself. Also, their availability is limited which makes them more expensive.
Is it worth getting solar tiles?
The short answer is No. Investing in solar tiles is not worth it at the moment. Their availability and durability both are a question mark firstly. They usually come with limited warranties and replacing them after a certain period will add to the cost. Whereas, traditional roof top solar panels are easy to handle and replace. Additionally, experienced installers are required to install solar tiles which makes it an even more tough job as their fees are hefty. It is recommended to wait for a few more years if you are only looking at getting solar tiles. However, the more you wait the more you lose money. Solar PV systems are an amazing investment that save money over the lifespan of it and help the environment.
Arise Solar Merry Christmas Sale!
Arise Solar is one of the largest solar companies in Australia offering best quality solar modules and solar inverters with flexible payment plans. Our Christmas Sale has All New 415W Tier 1 solar panels on offer. Discover the best solar panels system for your property with our experts. Discuss your electricity bills with us and get the best solar deal for your home or business.